Padmasambhava's prediction for 2030
An encouragement to avert the hindrances of dark times
in the year of the Iron Dog:
The Great Liberation from the Dangerous Path of Obstacles
The Three Jewels are the unfailing supreme source of refuge.
Padmakara is the sole protector of the teachings and of beings in this age of degeneration.
The nirmanakaya tertons arrive when the time is ripe to tame beings in any way necessary.
When considering their kindness, my faith and homage soar.
Having bowed down to those who compiled all the prophecies from the ocean of all the profound
revealed treasures Yachen Dharma Encampment and Kangsar Tenpo who clearly taught what
to do and what to avoid it would be wise to make efforts in their methods for freeing ourselves
from this narrow and dangerous path.
With regards to this, at the Great Dharma Encampment of Yachen, all of the prophecies of the
regents of Guru Rinpoche the great treasure revealers were compiled and then Kyapje
Kangsar Tenpay Wangchuk Rinpoche examined and compared them all and what he found was
that it is said that a great war will happen in this world in the Iron Dog Year of 2030. In the
prophecies of the manifestation treasure revealer Jigme Nuden Dorje, it says, "The eighteen armies
of Duruka will carry a hundred and eight different kinds of weapons and armor. Their food,
language, and clothing will all be different (than ours.) They are all extremists with no
contentment." Kyabje Chadrel Sangye Dorje also has stated in his Aspiration Prayer for Urging the
Enlightened Minds to Avert the Strife of the Unfortunate Era, "From the unfolding ocean of results of the
collective karmas of beings in the final age of misfortune, helpful forces will waver while the
powerful voices of destructive forces will influence those in power, and they will wield nuclear
weapons which could destroy the world. The swift signs that the dangers of the world and its
inhabitants being destroyed in an instant destructive wind of such weapons which are the
machinations of corrupt aspirations are upon us. And even though these are manifest in the sights,
sounds, and thoughts of beings, because they are thoroughly enveloped in ignorance and doubt,
they still don't sense the danger at all." Inferring from this and many other statements, there is no
certainty that a serious war will not in this world, in our future, occur involving nuclear weapons.
Additionally, many experts have estimated and are worried about such possibilities and such a war
would be solely a cause of harm for all countries both east and west as well as for their governments,
traditions, and their people and would bring no benefit.
In order to avoid such misfortunes, many methods for averting them with the stages of
interdependent causes and conditions are stated in the prophecies. In Terton Jigme Nuden Dorje's
Catalog of Prophecies, he states, " ....therefore, in the future, do this to avert it. Just as you would build
a dam before the rising of the water for once it has happened, how could you turn it back." And,
"Place statues of Orgyen on the peaks of the highest mountains and hang colored Benza Guru
prayer flags in the four directions and recite verses of auspiciousness and aspirations. Recite the
Benza Guru mantra aloud day and night, the extensive and condensed Spontaneous Fulfillment of
Wishes, and carve the Benza Guru mantra into stones and cliffs. These are the particular methods
or averting from this profound terma." And, "Place a stupa in all lands and at the bottom of each
valley and within them place Guru Rinpoche who averts the disturbances of the four elements, as
best you can, consecrate them and request the deities to remain within them and make the stupas
big or small according to your resources." Within the Kagyama Prophecies it states, " Within the
five standing goddesses of the elements, place the wheels of the individual elements as well as their
seed syllables, precious substances, medicines, grains, and multicolored silks. Bury them at the
peaks of carefully examined mountains and then recite verses of auspiciousness, conferments, and
consecrations and thereby the stirrings of the elements will be pacified and they will remain in their
natural states thereby increasing the qualities of comfort and goodness in all lands. Additionally,
by implementing rules which accord with the dharma in all directions, happiness will arise in those
places where they are put into practice." And, "Even if you don't accomplish the other means for
averting the five kinds of Duruka, all the important and wealthy people primarily and other faithful
ones should gather together in an auspicious site and build an authentic stupa and inside it place
collected weapons tied up in a web of five colored strings facing downwards and then below it
suppress all jungbo spirits, ghosts, and outsiders. Have a blessed yogi consecrate it, make offerings
and supplications and thereby the misfortunes of weaponry will decline, fighting and disputes will
not occur in that region, and outside armies will be thwarted. Or, gather many medicines and do
the practice of amrita medicine, then place the heap of medicine within the stupa and consecrate
it and thereby the harms of illness will not occur. Or, gather many kinds of grains and place them
within the stupa and do as stated before and thereby you will be freed form famine." In the
profound treasures of the great Terton Dujom Lingpa it is said, "The stupa of utter victory over
opposing armies brings various auspicious interdependences which pervade to all lands and cannot
be averted by the maras with perverse aspirations. If you can make one in each and every land,
you can avert the teachings of maras for a hundred years. Also, in the prophecies of Terton Rigzin
Orgyen Sherab, he states, "(Constructing) the Oddiyana Temple which is Victorious over Maras,
being respectful of the teachings of acceptance and rejection in terms of karmic causes and effects,
maintaining your ancestral traditions, sang smoke offering, making offerings for the fulfillment of
your wishes, and making and hanging prayer flags are profound (methods for averting harmful
forces.) There are many such prophecies. Kangsar Tenpay Wangchuk has also taught that these
averting methods can be gathered into three primary ways which are in brief: 1) Building statues
of Guru Rinpoche and Taming of Maras Stupas in all directions. 2) Reciting The Extensive
Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes, or its condensed form Dagpai Shingchok Ma and the Benza Guru
mantra and placing prayer flags of these prayers in the four directions and reciting aspirations and
verses of auspiciousness upon them. 3) Performing the application of enlightened activities of
suppression, burning, and casting out of glorious Vajrakilaya.
As for the statues of Guru Rinpoche, if possible, they should be the Guru who Overwhelms all
Appearances and Possibilities (Nangsi Zilnon) of size and quality in accordance with the situation
of one's means, location, and time. Have them correctly filled with mantras and consecrated and
then bring them to the locations already described.
As for the stupas, they should be made in key places like the twenty-four holy sites, the eight charnel
grounds, the Tadul Yangdul (four key monasteries made during the reign of Songtsen Gampo) as
well as in the snow mountains and mountain peaks in the north, south, east, and west of this world,
along rivers, oceans, junction of region, the intersections of rivers, and places where many people
gather together. The sizes of the stupas should be for large ones, many stories tall, for middle ones,
from one story to the height of a person, and for smaller ones from the size of a human forearm
and for very small ones, there are teaching on how to make stupas the length of a finger. Satsas are
also said t o be actual stupas i n the ritual for making the hundred and eight stupas and elsewhere
in all of the sutras and tantras. These are easy to make and are very effective, so perform all of the
steps of filling with mantras and consecration previously mentioned about the s t u p of taming
maras. With the motivation of wholesome Bodhicitta, place them in high snowy mountains, on
mountain peaks, in the midst of forests, or if you sink them in the depths of lakes and oceans or
bury them underground it is clear that they are less likely to be disturbed by opponents.
Similarly, the method for averting such difficult times which is praised above all others is the
billionfold repetition of the Benza Guru mantra, its group practice, and encouraging others to
recite it throughout their day as well as reciting The Extensive Spontaneous Fulfillment of Wishes, or its
condensed form Dagpai Shingchok Ma, printing and hanging five colored prayer flags, § a *
constructing mantra wheels which turn by water or by flame, playing recordings of mantras and
prayers aloud and so forth to widely broadcast them. It is said that we must make efforts in all
avenues. Kyapje Chadrel Sangye Dorje has also stated in his previously mentioned aspiration
prayer, "Because the signs are increasing day by day of a danger which has never previously
occurred, but could come quickly, of the use of nuclear weapons which have the power to instantly
destroy all of the teachings of the Victorious Ones, the life force of beings, and all the goodness of
the environment and of its living beings in this world, the kind of violent warfare which could kill
all of humanity. Therefore, being urged to action by intolerable sadness and intense fear, then just
like a child calling its mother or calling for Orgyen Pema's protection during the critical situations,
everyone in this time should all recite this prayer to urge the enlightened minds of the ocean of
jewels who are our objects of refuge. They should also write it on flags and hang them on the peaks
of mountains, from bridges and so forth. I believe that this is necessary and carries immense
benefits, so anyone who believes in me should keep this in mind." What was stated here is
something worthy of being implemented by the masses and because it is easy to do, I request you
to make efforts in doing so.
Additionally we should do authentic drupchens and group practices based on glorious Vajrakilaya
and implement the enlightened activities of suppression, burning, and casting out. Continuing from
the previously quoted statement from Nuden Dorje's Catalog of Prophecies, it states, "Specifically,
perform the averting ritual of this profound treasure, torma offerings and tsok on the tenth, reciting
the account of Buddha's past lives, Offer sang to the local spirits, build and make offerings at
Senkar', and bury treasure vases. Perform ablutions on mountains and lakes, give gifts for the
fulfilment of your wishes and sing the praises of the deities."
Amongst the methods listed here, it is of vital importance that the general assembly of sangha
members led by the holy beings of the monasteries of all traditions, regardless of tradition, take the
responsibility of implementing the ceremonies of offering and sang connected with proclaiming the
commands to the gods and spirits, performing ablutions of mountains and of sacred supports of
enlightened body, speech, and mind, and burying treasure vases for revitalizing deteriorations in
the environment and in living beings. Therefore, I request that you all keep this in mind and further
encourage all who have faith in the dharma to practice implementing virtuous deeds and avoiding
1 Senkar or otherwise known as Tenkar is a small building placed on top of a mountain with a masklike
representation of the local gods enshrined within it.
non-virtuous ones in general, and in particular, to perform life-release ceremonies of fish and other animals and so forth, making efforts to the extent of your abilities in the path of non-violent and peaceful conduct, and to join those practices with excellent aspirations and wishes for auspiciousness.
The time at which we must make our efforts in such methods for averting calamities are mentioned in the previously mentioned treasure text from Nuden Dorje, where it states, "The obstacles of the Iron Dog (2030) can be averted from the Wood Dragon year (2024) onwards. Since this method is a slayer of foes, there is no doubt it will be averted." Also, in Traktung Dujom Lingpa's prophecies, he states, "The spread of the doctrine of the barbarians will spread in the Dog year. Apply the antidotal averting rituals in the Dragon. Not just one Dharma center, but all of them must carry this out!" As stated here, I feel that not merely one or two dharma centers, villages, or people, but all must not fall into carelessness but must enact this presently implement these methods before the time mentioned in the prophecies has passed. Therefore, I request that you earnestly take this to heart.
This particular call to action was composed on the twenty-ninth day of Saga Dawa in the Water Tiger year of the seventeenth sexagesimal cycle by bearer of the name Gochen Gyalwai Trulku, Namchak Sangak Tenzin who has attained the blessing of being named the sixth incarnation of Orgyen Drime Lingpa
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